Terrorism Close Calls
Terrorism Close Calls (2018)

Terrorism Close Calls

(54 ভোট)



So far after the first plot was stopped I really have to wonder if this was done by a third grader.We all know NY is a target because of the number of people that live there.

Interesting subjects but where did they find this lousy narrator? His voice is not only grating, but he mispronounces nearly every word dealing with international subjects.

Love this documentary series on counter terrorism and the effort put on Intelligence agency to prevent devastating events. I am not sure why others are complaining about the narrator or editing..

This is a well-researched documentary. The narration is obviously more Latin-American football commentary than wildlife channel-style (dramatic, emotional, etc.

I really like the idea behind the documentaries: to inform public on close calls when it comes to terrorist attacks. And to highlight the work of police and intelligence.

Can not tolerate narrator's voice. It is so ugly - monotone, emphasizes every syllable, makes every statement sound matter of fact, like a hideous drone.

Excellent series which gets it the heart of what goes into a successful investigation and preventative steps to stop a terror attack.

I'm addicted to the shows like this one. It is visually not the strongest one, but honestly, I didn't care.

I couldn't watch it. The narrator sounded like he was hyper-ventilating.
